Saturday, August 22, 2009

On the road again

I've gotten to the point in the trip where I am losing my sense of reality. I wake up in the middle of the night not knowing where I am or where I'm going. That's probably normal when I actually am in a different place every night. Whenever I'm still I feel like I'm still moving. Whenever I'm moving I want nothing more than to be running around. I feel like may never get home and I might not care. I'm not even sure where home is anymore. It's funny how a place or city can mold someone's personality. Maybe I'm made for a life of no anchoring commitments. I do love to drive. Nothing is better than the open road and some good tunes.

We left Oakland today around noon (Hol had some things to do this morning) and headed down I-5 towards Los Angeles. Hol is traveling with Jess and I and getting dropped off in Phoenix on Tuesday. Since we had several options of where we were going to stay when we got into the LA area we didn't really know where to head, other than South. Good thing we had a long time to think about it. I drove the long stretch of the trip today. It was a clear day but it got cloudy about half way through. The scenery was interesting. It was super hilly, almost cartoony, and dry. After about 4 hours the car energy changed so I opted to chill the backseat instead of the driver's. We ended up making a decision to stay with Hol's and my friend, Nick Bailey, in Santa Barbara. We got to drive past the Pacific Ocean during sunset which was amazing. One thing I haven't mentioned in these posts is that the sky at night is wonderful. There are so many stars out here (I know I know there are the same amount of stars), it's quite wonderful.

Tomorrow we're spending the day in LA and sleeping at our friend, Lucas's, place in Anaheim. Monday we are going to San Diego - Tuesday Arizona - Wednesday Texas.


  1. Sarah, sounds like you are having a great time traveling the West Coast.......enjoy it, be careful on the LA freeways...........Love, Dad

  2. Oh please give Arizona a kiss for me and tell it how much I miss living there!!!
